30 Temmuz 2011 Cumartesi

R1a kolları

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View Haplogroup R1a1, Northern European branch in a larger map

Northern European branch

The common ancestor of this branch lived 2700±400 years ago.

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View Haplogroup R1a1, Central European branch in a larger map

Central European branch

Light-blue pins denote a sub-branch which is characterized by recLOH mutation in the quadruple marker DYS464. Its assumed ancestral value in this genealogical lineage appears as a sextet 12-12-15-15-15-16. The most recent common ancestor of this sub-branch lived 2400±300 years before present.

Deep-blue pins mark the sub-branch with "normal" ancestral values in DYS464 marker: 12-15-15-16. The common ancestor of this sub-branch lived 2200±270 years before present.

A common ancestor of the whole branch lived 2700±350 years before present, probably somewhere between modern Czech Republic and Western Ukraine, in Danube basin.

This branch belongs to subclade R1a1a1g, characterized by mutation M458.

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View Haplogroup R1a1, Western Slavic branch in a larger map

Western Slavic branch

The most of bearers of its haplotypes are ethnic Western Slavs or their descendents: Poles, Czechs and Slovaks.
The most recent common ancestor lived 2775±400 years before present.
This branch belongs to subclade R1a1a1g2, characterized by mutation L260.

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View Haplogroup R1a1, Ashkenazi Jewish branch in a larger map

Ashkenazi Jewish branch

Its common ancestor lived 1100±150 years before present, probably in Southern Germany.

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View Haplogroup R1a1, Central Eurasian branch in a larger map

Central Eurasian branch

The time span to the common ancestor for all branches is estimated to be 4700±700 years.

This genealogical line may be associated with Central Asian/East European herdsmen who founded the Andronovo archeological culture and settled in Indostan as Arya peoples. 

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View Haplogroup R1a1, Northern Eurasian branch in a larger map

Northern Eurasian branch

The most recent common ancestor lived 2100±250 years before present.

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View Haplogroup R1a1, Western Carpathian branch in a larger map

Western Carpathian branch

A common ancestor of this genealogical line lived 1975±450 years ago.

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View Haplogroup R1a1, Young Scandinavian branch in a larger map

Young Scandinavian branch

Deep-blue pins mark the parent branch, with the time span to the most recent common ancestor of 2225±250 years.

Light-blue pins belong to junior sub-branch, which separated from the former about 1625±350 years before present. This branch includes McDonald's clan, which can be traced to 675±150 years before present.

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View Scandinavian Q in a larger map

Scandinavian Q

Red pins mark a branch of yet unassigned subclade of haplogroup Q. The common ancestor of this genealogical line lived 2150+/-250 years before presen.

Red pins with dots belong to the branch of subclade Q1a3, with its common ancestor living 2200+/-250 years before present.

Why are these branches here? They belong to the seemingly irrelevant asian/american haplogroup Q. Somewhat mysteriously, these branches coincide both in their geographical distribution and in the time to the most recent common ancestors with a young Scandinavian branch. These facts together with some historical evidence led Igor Rozhanskii to conclude that the modern members of these branches from both R1a1 and Q haplogroups are the descendants of the infamous tribe of Cimbri, who after being defeated by the Roman Republic in the late 2nd century BC settled on the territory of modern Denmark. Read this fascinating story in article И. Рожанский. Загадка кимвров. Опыт историко-генеалогического расследования.Proceedings of the Russian Academy of DNA Genealogy (2010) v. 3, p.545 (in Russian).

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View Haplogroup R1a1, Northern Carpathian branch in a larger map

Northern Carpathian branch

A common ancestor of this genealogical line lived 2550±350 years ago.

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View Haplogroup R1a1, Baltic-Carpathian Branch in a larger map

Baltic-Carpathian branch

Yellow pins denote the parent branch with its common ancestor of 3225±450 years before present.

Green pins denote the younger branch with its common ancestor living 2000±200 years before present.

Blue pins correspond to the branch with its common ancestor of 2075±350 years before present.
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View Haplogoup R1a1, Eastern Eurasian Branch in a larger map

Eastern Eurasian Branch

Green pins denote the major Kyrgyz branch with the common ancestor dating 1000±180 years before present.

Yellow pins mark members of other minor sub-branches who converge to the common ancestor with the formers about 4500 years before present or earlier.

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View Haplogroup R1a1, Western Eurasian branch in a larger map

Western Eurasian branch

Yellow pins denote the parent branch with its common ancestor living 3800±450 years ago

Blue pins mark the major sub-branch with the common ancestor of 2600±300 years ago

Red pins belong to the sub-branch with its common ancestor living 1700±350 years ago.

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View Haplogroup R1a1, Old Scandinavian branch in a larger map

Old Scandinavian branch

The most recent common ancestor of this branch lived 3300±360 years before present.
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View Haplogroup R1a1, North-Western branches in a larger map

North-Western branches

This branch is characterized by its unique 10 alleles in DYS388 marker.

It can be divided itself by three sub-branches, denoted by pins of different colors.
Light-blue pins mark a sub-branch of 1125±300 years to common ancestor. Yellow pins belong to the sub-branch of 2975±350 years to common ancestor.
Deep-blue pins correspond to predominantly British haplotypes having 1975±240 years to common ancestor.

The most recent common ancestor of all three branches lived 4100±500 years before present.

The origin of this branch of R1a1 on the British Isles can be reasonably assigned to the Norman Invasion under William the Conquerer.

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View Haplogroup R1a1, Old European Branches in a larger map

Old European Branches

These are relic branches which separated from other European R1a1 more than 7000 years before present.

Blue pins mark a branch with DYS392=13. Its most recent common ancestor lived 2150±450 years before present.

Yellow pins mark the branch which belongs to paragroup R1a*, which is tested positive to SRY10831.2 and negative to M17/M198.

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