30 Temmuz 2011 Cumartesi

R1a ağacı

R1a Haplotree

Branches of 2010 tree were published originally in article И. Рожанский и А. Клёсов, "Гаплогруппа R1a: гаплотипы, генеалогические линии, история, география". Proceedings of the Russian Academy of DNA Genealogy (2009) v. 2, p. 974 (in russian). Methods for the assignment of branches were published in the article I. Rozhanskii. "Evaluation of the convergence of sets in STR phylogeny and analysis of the haplogroup R1a1 tree". Proceedings of the Russian Academy of DNA Genealogy (2010) v. 3, p.1316.

Areas shown on map are results of phylogenic and geographical reconstruction
of the R1a1a1-M417 clade history within the last two millennia.


1 Yorum:

saat: 5 Ekim 2011 15:38 , Blogger oculux dedi ki...

Bu sadece Avrupa'dan cikis teorisidir. Agaci cizen "arastiriclar" R1a'nin Avrupadan ciktigini iddia ediyorlar.

Halbuki Orta Asyadan olusan bir Turk genetik isaretidir R1a - Iskit (Scythian) Turklerden geldigi tespit edildi.

Indo-European dillerin, dini isler icin yaratilmis diller oldugu da belli oluyor.


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