30 Temmuz 2011 Cumartesi

R1a tarihi

Famous people of the Haplogroup R1a

Соммерленд, викинг, родоначальник клана Макдональдсов.Василий Шуйский, царь, просто царь.Френсис Дрейк, английский пират.Наше Все.Вильям Бикфорд, изобретатель бикфордового шнура.Александр Можайский, изобретатель самолета.Николай Пржевальский, географ.Владимир Арсеньев, исследователь ПриморьяНикита МихалковЛеонид ПарфеновЕвгений Миронов, актер 

The R1a clade consists of 500 million people. The first common ancestor of the Aryans lived 300 generations ago!

Related Aryan people:
(Percentage shows the part of R1a found in a particular ethnicity)
  • Poles 60% 
  • Ukrainians 54%
  • Russian 53% 
  • Belarusians 47% 
  • Slovaks 45% 
  • Czechs 40% 
  • Kirghizes 50% 
  • Tajiks 60% 
  • Pashtuns (Afghanistan) 70% 
  • Balochis (Pakistan) 70%
  • Punjabis 80% (Pakistan-India)
  • Indians 30%, upper castes 72%
Карта современного расселения R1a

Journey into the ancient history of the haplogroup

The Aryan clan first appeared 10,000 years ago somewhere in North on the Black Sea or in the Balkans. Supposedly this clade invented the spoked wheel, constructed the first chariots and were one of the first to ride horses. These inventions allowed them to leave behind the primitive matriarchal society based on agriculture and transition to a more effective nomadic cattle breeding society. The Aryan clade quickly occupied a whole region of the Eurasian Steppes that stretched from the Danube River to beyond Lake Baikal. It then grew so big that it divided into many tribes.

Задорнов у макета АркаимThe excavation entitled "Country of the cities" from the Southern Ural, showed that 3500 years ago the Aryans had already developed a strong metallurgical production and had distributed their bronze castings and wares all over the world.

The most well-studied area of bronze production is in Arkaim. At first, archaeologists thought that they were looking at ancient settlements, however they later concluded that all of the buildings found in this area actually served production purposes, seeing as instead of living quarters there existed only foundry and storage rooms. It turns out that after a hard days work at the foundry, the Aryans came home to their dwellings. The proof that these dwellings existed is demonstrated in the traces of many years of fire pits that were found surrounding the the area of Arkaim in symmetrical circles.

Once other people began adopting the technological advancements of the Aryans, they also gradually began to speak the Aryan language. Currently, all of western Europe speaks a form of Indo-European language, although the R1a haplogroup is almost absent there. (There are 30% of people belonging to the R1a haplogroup living in Norway, and a small percentage living in Eastern Germany. These Germans are the descendants of assimilated Polabian Slavs.)

Карта миграции ветвей R1aIn the middle of the second millennium BC, supposedly due to climate change, the Aryans migrated to the South beyond the Steppes. Some of them went to India and there the Aryans subdued the local tribes and created a caste society in which they themselves seized a place in the upper castes. The events of these times are described in the Rigveda, a collection of ancient Indian texts.

Other migrating Aryans moved in the direction of the Far East. Once they reached Egypt and gained power there, they continued to rule for 28 years. On the territories of ancient Turkey (Anatolia) the Aryans founded the Hittite state, which successfully coexisted with the Egyptian state. The Hittite-Aryans built cities, however they were not known for building pyramids, as they were a generally society of free people who did not employ slave labor for this purpose. The Hittite state vanished suddenly because it was overtaken by barbarian tribes known as the Sea People. In the middle of the last century, archaeologists found a vast library of clay tablets containing Hittite texts, the language of which turned out to be Aryan. In this manner we gathered detailed knowledge about the very first Aryan state.

Царь Кир в покоренном ВавилонеThe rest of the Hittites returned to their native Steppes and told their kin about the lands of the South, after which they began a series of regular raids in the Southwest direction. In October of the year 539 BC, an Aryan tribe of Persians took over Babylon, but the Persian leader Cyrus the Great decided not to leave his conquered city. Afterwards Cyrus was able to significantly expand his territories and thus began the great Persian empire, which lasted longer than any other empire in the world (1190 years)! In 651AD the Persian empire was weakened by internal struggle and then overtaken by Muslim-Arabs. These conquerers inhumanely slaughtered most of the male population, and as a result only a few descendants from the haplogroup R1a remain today on the vast territories that had been previously occupied by the Aryan state. Ironically, the state of Iran derived its name from the Aryan people, who no longer reside there.

There are three world religions connected to the Aryans - Hinduism, Buddhism, and Zoroastrianism. Zoroaster (also known as Zarathustra) was an Aryan from Persia, while Buddha was from the Aryan tribe of Saka.

A majority of people are made up of different haplogroups, and do not have a dominant clade. It is quire rare when half the population belongs to the same clade, but this is the case with Russians.


Achievements include the spoked wheel, chariots, metallurgy, trousers, boots, dresses, the first paved highway in the world that was over 1000 kilometers in length with a "gas stations" where the exchange of horses took place, the first genealogical tree in the world for a whole haplogroup (2007), and many others.

It is difficult to describe the whole story of the Aryans, but various fragments of history should be enough to stir up an interest to learn the history of these Slavic ancestors. Go to a search engine and look up the following words: AryansScythians,SarmatiansPersia, etc. and you will immerse yourself in the valiant history of the R1a clade.

Tree of the Haplogroup

Up until 2007, no one had attempted to build a tree of a haplogroup because such a grandiose task was considered to be impossible. All population geneticists were working with small subsets of short 6-marker haplotypes. This approach allowed them to form a geneagraphic picture of halpogroup distribution.

Генеалогическое Древо гаплогруппыIn 2007 two Russians bearing the haplotype R1a, Paul Shvarev and a biochemistry professor Anatole Klyosov, decided to take on the task of building a detailed genealogical tree of their haplogroup. However they encountered several problems; one of them being that it was impossible to build a tree made up of large subsets of very long haplotypes because no computer could perform the astronomical amount of calculations necessary for this task. They had to use their keen Aryan resourcefulness, and in a matter of time all of the problems were resolved.

Once our work gained popularity, representatives from other haplogroups followed in our footsteps and began creating their own trees.


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